Tuesday, June 25, 2013

【宣院筆記—每天早晚10分鐘 讓你更漂亮更健康】



搓搓耳朵。雙手分別搓捏兩耳廓和內外部,有痛點處為捏的重點,從上到下要全部搓摩,在耳垂處手法不妨重一點,以搓熱搓紅為度。常做耳部按摩,有強腎之功。腎是生命之本,腎強則體健,體健則容顏潤紅有光澤。 宣印學院~祝大家健康^‿^歡迎分享


少吃辛辣刺激性食物 經期前幾天堅持喝枸杞茶
可以把體內淤血排乾淨 處理八髎穴 瘤可以變小
並加強打氣命門 腎俞 氣海 子宮穴 三陰交
建議僅供參考 如有身體不適請諮詢專業醫師
宣院誠心祝您早日康復 宣印學院 祝福__()__

Monday, June 24, 2013

No Bake Energy Bites

*~*~*No Bake Energy Bites*~*~*

So healthy!! And SO easy! And SO yummy!

1 cup (dry) oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla

幸福拳家庭『夫妻、親子、尊親』 ~幸福媽媽~愛分享:-)☆

Easy way to clean microwave

Try this! --- SHARE IT TO KEEP IT ON FILE!!!

1 c vinegar + 1 c hot water + 10 min microwave = steam clean! Totally works. No more scum, no funky smells.










Sunday, June 23, 2013

~【 珍惜, 因為每一天都是特別的 】網路文章分享





















是啊!《 當你高興時,我不介意當最後一個知道的人,但..如果是難過的事...我希望我是第一個知道的人! 》【感恩合十】
Natural Remedies for Oral Thrush~

Don't Forget To Share This Post

1. Good Oral Hygiene
Flossing once a day and brushing twice daily reduces the time you suffer an infection caused by oral thrush. Frequently replacing your toothbrush will keep you free of infection and using mouthwash will heal the oral thrush. People with dentures should ensure that they clean the dentures on a daily basis and soak them in clean water overnight. They should also rinse and dry them well before putting them back into the mouth.

2. Oral Rinses
Vinegar. Apple cedar vinegar restores the PH level of the body enabling it fight overgrowth of Candida. Raw vinegar is best for oral thrush treatment. Due to its strong odor and taste, people take it diluted with water then take little sips in the course of the day. Alternatively, you can heat some water, add vinegar and some honey to it making some kind of tea. You can also sprinkle the vinegar over salads to make it more palatable.

Salt Water. Take some salt (half a teaspoon) and add it to a cup of some warm water. Once the salt has dissolved, swish it in the mouth and spit out.

Warm Water with Vinegar and Salt. Mix them in warm water then swish it around the mouth. It acts as home anti-fungal mouthwash.

Hydrogen Peroxide Solution. The human body contains healthy bacteria which are the source of hydrogen peroxide which kills yeast. Take a mixture solution of diluted 3% hydrogen peroxide to kill the thrush as would the healthy bacteria.

3. Food Remedies

Onions and Garlic. Both contain anti-fungal power; blend them in warm water then gargle in the mouth ensuring all areas of the mouth have been touched.

Yogurt. Include yoghurt that has live cultures in the diet so that the healthy bacteria level in the mouth is improved. It contains healthy bacteria that help fight against thrush. Swish the yoghurt around the mouth when taking it then avoid drinking or eating anything soon after the yoghurt.

Foods to avoid. Avoid drinks and foods that contain yeast, dairy foods, mushrooms, dried fruit, smoked fish & meat, monosodium glutamate and pickles. All these foods have been known to be potential thrush triggers.

5 Alkaline foods

Foods to prevent Anemia

Fruits that can change your Life~

I agree with 3 Ltrs Water a day and the Lemon...
I personally won't take milk and apple. (Milk is not belong to the nature food and apple because the weather, it takes long time to deliver and the weather so much different from my country; It is not local fruits to my country too.) I will only consume local fruits.

Alkaline Water~

Alkaline Water~

Well - what a remedy for the disease unbelievable - There is no harm just drinking this water as a normal water, day to day.?

Just cut 2-3 thin slices of lemon in a cup/containner and add drinking water will become "alkaline water", drink for the whole day, just by adding drinking water. Take it as drinking water everyday is good for everybody.

Note: Do not keep it for a long period of time or over night coz it will turn into bitter taste.

The surprising benefits of lemon!
I remain perplexed!
Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Charles Street Baltimore , MD 1201.
This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer!
Read carefully & you be the judge
Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.
Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer . It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant,combats stress and nervous disorders.

Best Foods For your Eyes~

Best Foods For your Eyes~

.Bell Peppers
.Brussels Sprout

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and also the deadliest of all cancers. The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that by 2020 the number of breast cancer cases will be much higher. In fact, it is believed that in coming few years one in every eight women would run the risk of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. This figure has been also estimated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).

Breast cancer is a complex disease, and many factors contribute to it such as genetics along with lifestyle and dietary factors. However breast cancer can be prevented with certain healthy habits such as limiting alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, controlling your weight, breast feeding, avoiding exposure to radiation and environmental pollution, and limiting the duration of hormone therapy, staying physically active and regular medical checkups. At the same time following a healthy diet plan can also reduce the risk of breast cancer to a great extent. There are certain food items that help to fight malignant cancer cells at the onset and thus help in preventing breast cancer.

> Broccoli

Broccoli contains cancer-fightingcompounds known as indole-3-carbinol. This particular chemical converts the type of estrogen that causes cancer into a more cancer-protective type of estrogen and help in reducing the risk of various types of cancers such as breast, bladder, lymphoma, prostate and lung cancer. Try to eat five portions of broccoli in a day to help protect against breast cancer. Cooked broccoli supply more health benefits than raw broccoli. Along with broccoli, try to include other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale, and cauliflower in your diet plan in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

> Salmon

Salmon is a kind of oily fish that contains a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids which slows down the growth of cancerous tumors and also boosts the immune system. At the same time salmon is also a smart lean protein source along with vitamins B12 and D. All these elements provide your body with the nutrients required to regulate cell growth and prevent cancer. You can eat salmon by steaming it, baking it or grilling it. For better result try to eat three portions of fresh salmon each week. Along with salmon, other oily fishes that can prevent breast cancer are mackerel, sardines, trout, sea bass and tuna.

> Turmeric

Turmeric contains a substance known as Curcumin that can inhibit various types of cancer cells such as breast, gastrointestinal, lung, and skin cancer. According to various research works it has been found that turmeric helps a lot to prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs when combined with certain drug-based therapy. It has several cancer-fightingproperties and it actually repairs DNA that has been damaged by radiation. You can enjoy the protective benefits of Curcumin by just adding little bit of turmeric powder to your foods or eat a pinch of raw turmeric with water every morning on an empty stomach.

> Blueberries

Blueberries are power-packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can aid in breast cancer prevention. The photochemical present in blueberries work together to prevent the growth and spread of various forms of breast cancer. At the same time blueberries are rich in antioxidants such as ellagic acid which has anticancer properties which destroy cancer-causing substances and slow the growth of tumors. Along with blueberries, other types of berries that can prevent breast cancer are strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries. To reap the benefits of blueberries try to eat them fresh instead of the packaged versions.

> Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can prevent the development of breast cancer by stopping cancer cell growth. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, lycopene also stops the growth of tumors by interfering with abnormal cell growth. Along with breast cancer, lycopene is also beneficial in stopping other types of cancer cells from growing, including lung, and endometrial. To enjoy the benefits of tomatoes, you can eat cooked, concentrated or processed tomatoes. However the best option is to drink half glass of tomato juice daily.

> Garlic

Studies show that garlic also helps in preventing breast cancer. The sulfur compounds present in garlic speeds DNA repair, and kills cancer cells connected with breast cancer, mouth cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer. To get the most benefit, peel and chop the garlic cloves and let them sit for about fifteen minutes before cooking. Also crush or swallow a piece of garlic every morning in order to live a cancer-free life. However people on blood thinners and certain other medications should talk with their doctor before taking garlic supplements.

> Flax seed

Flax seed contains high levels of lignans, which protect against estrogen-dependent cancers such as breast cancer. Flax seed or flax seed oil is among the few sources of the essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA which forms a protective shield against cancer cells responsible for causing breast cancer. You can add powdered flax seed to yogurt or a smoothie to create a richer and nutty flavor. You can also add flax seed oil to salad dressings too or integrate them into baked goods, such as cookies or muffins.

> Spinach

Spinach contains an antioxidant known as lutien which plays a key role in guarding against breast cancer along with mouth, esophagus, and stomach cancer. It is also rich in zeaxanthin and carotids that remove unstable molecules called free radicals from your body before they damage it. Women must eat spinach at least twice a week in order to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Spinach can be enjoyed in the form of a salad, soup, steamed, sauteed or stirred. Along with spinach also eat other green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, or romaine lettuce.

> Walnuts

Walnuts contain many helpful nutrients and healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body fight inflammation that actually slow down the growth of breast cancer tumors. Research suggests that walnut is particularly effective at protecting your cells against environmental exposures that may increase the risk for cancer. Regular consumption of walnuts can help you keep breast cancer at bay. Heath experts suggest eating two ounces of walnuts in a day in order to slow down the development and growth of breast cancer tumors.

: To conclude, by including the above mentioned food items in your diet plan you can easily reduce the risk of breast cancer and also from spreading if the cancer has developed. Also to prevent cancer regular medical-checkups is a must and you must regular consult a doctor.

healthy facts of daily walk

Some healthy facts of daily walk~

1- Daily 30 minutes walk reduce the level of LDL (l0w density lip0protein) and increases the level of HDL (high density lipopr0teins) in our b0dy..

2- It prevents fr0m osteoporosis and heart attack and also normalize the high B.P of our b0dy..

3- It also useful to reduce the type 2 diabetes in the diabetic patients..

4- Daily walk helps to maintain our body weight to the n0rmal level and prevents us fr0m obesity and make us healthy and physically active..

5- Walk is useful specially f0r heart patients to make them physically fit with0ut any strenous activity which increases the risk of heart attack in them as in jogging or exercize..

6- Daily walk is also useful to lower the cancer risks specially c0lon cancer in both sexes while am0ng males those who remain in sitting position and do,nt walk regularly the risks of prostatic hyperplasia also increases...

7- Other fact0rs like healthy eating, no sm0king and cleanliness also associated to cause healthy effects to our b0dy.!

Coconut water

Fact About Coconut water~

Coconut water is a very refreshing drink to beat tropical summer thirst. The juice is packed with simple sugar, electrolytes, and minerals to replenish hydration levels within the body.

Research studies suggest that cytokinins (e.g., kinetin and trans-zeatin) in coconut water showed significant anti-ageing, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thromboticeffects.

Coconut water has been generally offered to patients with diarrhea in many tropic regions to replace the fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the need for intravenous therapy. The osmolarity of tender coconut water is slightly greater than that of WHO recommended ORS (Oral Rehydration Therapy) osmolarity.
Presence of other biological constituents like amino acids, enzymes, minerals, and fatty acids may account for this higher osmolarity.

However, unlike WHO-ORS, its water is very low in sodium and chlorides, but rich in sugars and amino acids. This well-balanced fluid composition with much-needed calories would be an ideal drink than any other brand of soft drink beverages in dehydration conditions.

Coconut water is composed of many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA-polymerasesetc. In effect, these enzymes help in the digestion and metabolism.

Despite very light consistency, its water has much better composition of minerals like calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc than some of the fruits like oranges. (Compare the mineral composition of oranges)dr.sharib azmi

Its water is also a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. These vitamins are essential in the sense that the human body requires them from external sources to replenish.

Coconut water contains a very good amount of electrolyte potassium. 100 ml of water has 250 mg of potassium and 105 mg of sodium. Together, these electrolytes help replenish electrolyte deficiency in the body due to diarrhea (loose stools).

Further, fresh coconut water has a small amount of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid); It provides about 2.4 mg or 4% of RDA. Vitamin C is a water-soluble ant-oxidant



Your thyroid is a set of multiple glands that work to keep your body running smoothly. They deliver messages (hormones) between themselves and other body parts so that all of those tiny cells are regulated and functioning at the proper levels. The hormones produced by the thyroid (T3 and T4) are essential for life and have many effects on metabolism, growth and development.

Thyroid health is important, because if your thyroid isn't functioning properly it can lead to developmental defects or weight gain. Food is our medicine, so consuming the proper foods will help support your thyroid to ensure it remains in tip top shape. Carrots contain ample amounts of beta-carotene which is the precursor for vitamin A in the body. If you are low on vitamin A, your ability to produce thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is limited. This vitamin is required by the body to convert T4 to T3.

B-complex vitamins are required for good thyroid function. Cucumbers contain B vitamins, so they are a good choice when trying to nourish the thyroid glands. Without B vitamins the thyroid and adrenal glands fail to secrete their hormones, and won't be able to utilize its iodine raw material efficiently to make hormones. B vitamins are especially useful in individuals with an overactive thyroid.

- 1 cucumber
- 5 stalks celery
- 5 carrots
- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 lemon
Buy Organic!
Juice the above ingredients, and add coconut water last!

Drink once everyday..!

must share:)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I release to judge any negative or unwanted emotion as 'bad' or 'wrong'. I accept it as a part of me, without judgment.










Best Lessons were learned at the worst times



1.日本臨床替代醫學院                 5.榮獲2007德國紐倫堡發明獎
2.衛生署署立苗栗醫院                 6.廣東省體育技術學院體育醫院
3.香港國際自然療法學院                 (提供中國奧亞運選手康復之療之用)
4.北京中醫藥大學基礎醫學             7.歐美世界自然療法醫師專業學會


Tuscany, Italy.



Dhamma Talk Part One 佛使比丘























1. 呼吸会不顺畅,胸口会闷也会刺痛,刺痛的时间是短暂的,一发作几秒钟就过了,最多一分钟。
2. 严重了会从前胸痛到后背膏肓肩胛的地方,十天半个月会来一次,三、五个月发作一次,时间越短越严重。
3. 心脏不好会牵扯到左边手臂酸、麻、痛,因为我们心脏的神经与左手臂的神经是同一条,所以左边的心脏有问题会牵扯到左手臂。
4. 心脏也会牵扯到颈部僵硬、转动不灵活,早上起床脖子经常扭到;因为心脏有问题,颈动脉会狭窄,血液供应不顺畅,旁边的筋失血自然僵硬。
5. 心脏有问题,火毒(心火)就会上升,火毒慢慢上升到了额头停留在这里,不可能从额头跑出来,停留时间久了,这里就会长烂疮,很多人会头昏,到达这里会经过两个面颊,经过眼睛,所以心脏有问题,两个面颊会泛红。
6. 另外,火毒到了顶就会往下降,从额头顺着两个眉陵骨绕着太阳穴穿过我们的后脑,延着颈部进入咽喉,进入肠子,从肛门出去;所以火毒降下来,两个眉陵骨就会酸痛;有的朋友机能亢进,慢慢眼睛压力会大,眼睛会往前暴出来,即所谓的"凸眼症"。
7. 火毒降下来,顺着两个太阳穴,太阳穴在两侧就叫"偏头",血管就会扩张,一扩张就刺激到旁边的神经,痛的受不了。
8. 慢慢的火毒会从后脑下来,这就开始发胀,感觉怪怪的,接着穿到颈部,颈部停留过久,淋巴就会肿大; 慢慢进入咽喉,咽喉就容易发炎,经常会感觉有东西哽在里面,吞又吞不下去,吐又吐不出来。 再来火毒会进入肠子,肠子会燥进,越来越热,温度太高水份会来缓和,水份来的多来的快,肠子里的粪便就会烂掉,我们就会拉肚子;水份来的不足,粪便就会干燥,排不出来。
9. 心脏有问题会造成我们的脾胃受伤,脾胃一受伤,消化吸收的能力就降低,吃进来的食物不能消化,最后会胃胀,那些东西会反冲回头,叫做"胃酸"。
10. 心脏有问题,养份不能输送,总觉得体力不够,想吃多点来补充,过多的食物会带来大量的糖份,排除糖份都靠肝脏、肾脏,过多的糖份会导致肝、肾衰竭,很容易得"糖尿病"。
11. 心脏有问题,人的神经就会衰退,一点事情就会紧张,就会受到惊吓,晚上睡觉不易入睡,睡着以后就做恶梦,恶梦会延续,所谓的"恶梦连连"。

1. 右上腹闷痛。
2. 右后腰酸痛。
3. 右肩感觉酸、麻、痛,甚至造成右手举不起来。
4. 小腿晚上睡觉时容易抽筋。

1. 肝脏有正面,有背面。正面如果硬化、肿大,会挤到我们的肋间神经,肋间神经就会胀痛;如果在背后,会造成右腰酸痛
2. 肝脏不好,晚上睡眠品质会不好,翻来覆去不容易睡着;起床后口干、口苦、口臭,刷牙时牙龈会流血。平常为食物没有兴趣,不吃不饿,吃一点点就有饱感;走路走个两步小腿就会很酸,会感觉全身越来越疲劳,手脚也是越来越没有力。
3. 肝脏不好的人,脚会经常扭到,扭到了又好不了;不小心割伤了,伤口也不容易愈合。
4. 喜欢喝酒的朋友,忽然酒量减少了,或是有久治不愈的皮肤病,周而复始好不了,都要注意肝。

1. 肾脏有两条通路,从脚底的涌泉上来,走到脚后根内侧,再顺着腿的内侧往上走。 第一条从后方上来走到腰与膀胱结合,再顺着脊椎两侧往上走当我们肾脏不好,气会不足,血就上不来; 因此腰会酸,背会痛,再往上到颈部,颈部会觉得僵硬;到了后脑勺会感觉昏胀不舒服,到了头顶会觉闷胀,过了头顶往下到两个眉心之间的"精明穴",气不到会觉两眼干涩。 第二条从前面上来,经过大腿跟我们的生殖器及肝脏结合,最后延着身体两侧到胸前与肺脏结合。 肾脏有问题,大腿两侧会酸、软、无力,经常发痒。 无法把气送到胸口与肺脏结合,我们的呼吸就慢慢不顺畅,久了以后里面的气管就会自然闭锁,一闭锁空气就不易进来,人就会感觉到窒息,必须"干咳"来减缓它。
2. 气不足不能与膀胱结合,造成膀胱中括约肌的细胞就容易代谢死亡而造成松弛,排尿状况不好,频尿,久了以后细胞慢慢坏死,最后就尿失禁。
3. 看东西的瞳孔部份叫做"视觉",就是由肾脏直接控制,肾有问题,不能将肾水送达到眼睛,眼会觉得干、酸、涩、慢慢视觉就会模糊,严重会出现黑影,叫做"飞蚊症",久了以后压力会越来越大,造成"青光眼"。
4. 早上起床,脚后跟会不舒服因为,人在休息时,血液是在肝,肾脏会暂时缺血,起床须把血液送至全身,由于肾脏不好,气太弱,血液来的太慢,关节失血自然就会僵硬,活动一下,血液循环到了关节才会轻松。
5. 人活着就会讲话,讲话耗元气,本身肾脏不好气太弱,再把气耗掉就会不想说话,因工作不能不说话时,声音就会出不来,就会沙哑。
6. 想要深呼吸总是觉得气不够,自然呼吸就会快,呼吸一短促,鼻腔就会缺血,鼻腔的黏膜因为缺血,抵抗力就会减低,空气中的尘蹒就会破坏它,破坏了当然就会敏感,天气潮湿、变化,承受不了就会发作,称为"过敏性鼻炎 。
7. 男性朋友的前列腺,妇女的卵巢、子宫都间接、直接跟肾脏有关,因此,肾脏有了问题,到了一定的年龄,摄护腺就会肥大;妇女因肾脏不好,卵巢、子宫就会虚弱、寒冷,虚寒就没有力量将每个月应该排出的经血排掉,排不干净都还滞留在子宫里,每个月经血都要出来,不能完全排掉都停留在子宫里,久了难免造成血块堆积,形成肿瘤,称为"子宫肌瘤"。
8. 每个月经血出不来,在里面来回撞击,子宫的内膜会受不了这些经血会受不了这些经血在里面的推挤,就会变形、异位,称为"子宫内膜异位";慢慢的内分泌就会混乱,过多的分泌物,赤白带就会形成。
9. 时间久了,肾脏越来越不好,气越来越弱,手脚就会开始冰凉,尤其到了冬天特别冰冷。慢慢久了,坐也不是,站也不是,走也不是,肯定会造成神经受伤,晚上睡觉不好入睡,好不容易睡着了,一点点声音就会被吵醒,纵使睡着了,整夜都在作梦,有睡跟没睡一样,天天都很累。

1. 肩膀疼痛可能的症状:右肩经常痛时"肝脏"有问题。左肩酸痛时"心脏"与"胃"有问题。两肩同时感觉不舒服,脖子经常觉得僵硬时,肯定是"消化器官"出了问题。
2. 偏头痛:你常感觉太阳穴的两边有疼痛的现象,虽然长期求诊。吃药还是无效,你可能同时还伴有便秘。排便困难或腹泻及胃肠胀气等现象。这只要治好消化器官的毛病,自然可治好困扰多时的偏头痛。
3. 一般人都以为"便秘"及"腹泻"是两件分开的事,可是有些人会有便秘及拉肚子同时交替出现的现象,平时常觉得食欲减退。腹部胀气。胸部有压迫感或心悸。呼吸困难及失眠等现象,而且感觉自己的体力一天天减弱。肌肉消瘦,又查不出原因,有以上现象,你可能已罹患"慢性肠炎",不赶快处理可能会造成致命的腹膜炎 。
4. 小肠与淋巴系统:不明原因的疼痛经常困扰我们,若你的咽喉没有发炎,但经常不舒服或疼痛,脖子两侧也经常胀痛,肩膀与手臂外侧也会有不舒服与胀痛,但查不出原因,经过推拿。按摩也只能站时纾解,此现象请多注意"小肠"与"淋巴系统"已亮起红灯。
5. 大肠:当你经常觉得口干。口苦,想要多喝水,而且容易鼻塞。流鼻涕;平时没有蛀牙,但牙齿会痛。脖子两侧会胀大些。不舒服。无法提重的东西,以上在告诉我们"大肠"已亮起红灯。

1. 糖尿病不只是胰岛素不足而已,而是肾脏、肝脏、心脏都不是很健康的情形下所形成的,因此不易医治。而且易造成其他病变如:肾脏衰竭、中风、失明、截肢……
2. 糖尿发展到一定阶段会明显出现三多一少的症状。三多(吃多、喝多、尿多)一少(体重减少)。

1. 视力异常:因糖尿会引起眼睛末梢微血管阻碍,造成眼睛易疲劳、视力模糊、细小字看不清,严重者会导致失明。
2. 易疲劳:因体内血糖无法进入细胞,导致全身无力。
3. 皮肤抵抗力差:体质通常呈现酸化,末梢血管易堵塞,伤口不易愈合、易化脓、也易引起牙周病、香港脚。
4. 神经障碍:肌肉和神经组织得不到滋养,因此阻塞循环不良,指尖出现麻痛,重者甚至失去感觉。
5. 伤口不易愈合:糖尿末期,因末梢血管坏死,伤口发黑、溃烂不易愈合,有时甚至需截肢以延续生命。

六、头痛:头痛不是病,痛起来要人命,根据调查显示,全台至少60万人有头痛情形,头痛药越吃越多,但却越吃越无效,头痛情形更加恶化,还有部分民众每月至少头痛15天以上,3成以上因而滥服头痛药,结果头痛依旧,却养成吃药成瘾的恶习。 其实头痛和内脏有一定关系。依位置来说:前额反射心脏,两侧太阳穴附近肠胃,头顶心和后脑杓则是肾功能异常,耳后两侧反射肝脏,头昏为肾气不足,但是头会晕眩则要多注意肝脏,尤其是男性。

七、便秘:现代人生活忙碌,常食用低纤维质的速食,不常喝水,不常运动,往往有便秘,却无法正常排便,加上情绪不稳,服用药物或不当使用营养补充品,也会造成便秘。 长期便秘的人,因为粪便累积在大肠的时间太长,常有脾气不好或内分泌失调等后遗症。 其实,造成便秘的真正原因,跟心火是有很大的关系,火毒往下传动至肠胃,会造成肠子蠕动过慢,水分被吸收,粪便来不及排出,形成便秘。而若蠕动太快,水分来不及被吸收,则会变成腹泻。甚至心火往下到直肠肛门而形成痔疮。便秘时间太长,则有可能是肠燥症、结肠癌、糖尿病的警讯。

八、肩膀或颈部酸痛:不通则痛,痛则不通。主要因素即是由内脏气血运行不顺,与脏腑机制不健全所导致。 一般而言,肩膀或颈部酸痛是很有学问的,并非所谓运动伤害,五十肩,韧带发炎...等单纯原因而已。所以,为什么民众花了时间和金钱,长期复健,痛点注射类固醇,或服用止痛药,达不到效果之外,精神的煎熬更为痛苦其实,酸痛的位置可反射出内脏问题,像是长期左边颈部和肩膀酸痛, 主要因为心脏位于人体左侧,长期心火上升,或心脏功能出了问题自然会出现气血阻塞,就会有左边颈部或肩膀僵硬,酸痛,转动不灵活,或常常习惯落枕...至会延伸至左肩胛骨酸痛。 同样的,肝脏位于人体右方,当肝阳上亢,肝火上升时,刚才所提及之酸痛现象就会出现在右侧身体。有时酸痛位置会跑,会由单侧变为两侧,因为长期心肝火气都未消除,火往下传动后,会造成肠胃蠕动障碍,而肩膀两侧即是反射肠胃。 如果每天能利用一点方法,把身体里面的火气和毒素向体外排掉,保持气血通畅,酸痛毛病自然消除!

Friday, June 14, 2013








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