Thursday, February 20, 2014

Brown rice

Brown rice is a healthy carbohydrate that should be a part of our lunches. The exact measure is ½ cup of cooked rice. This rice is rich in fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B3, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium that get lost in the grinding process in which white rice is posed to. This makes it a great ally not only when we want to lose weight, but also to get all the vitamins and minerals that our body needs to work properly.


1 cup of brown rice
2 ¼ cups of water
Chopped onion
1 tbsp of grape oil or olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

In a pan, add the oil and stir fry the onion, then add the water and the previously washed and drained rice. Add salt & pepper and let it come to a boil, and then reduce the fire to a minimum for 45 minutes (covered). Take a look and if it looks still hard, add a little more water, and follow this process until it looks soft and spongy.

Some people put it in a pressure pot which softens it and they let it rest for a while before cooking it.

Homemade peanut butter

Homemade peanut butter:

This is an excellent option for your snacks! A spoonful contains 90 calories approximately. Remember to only eat one tablespoon a day along with some fruit or a good carb (for example, wheat bread).

2 cups of peanuts (NO added salt)
1 blender
1 oven


Place the peanuts in the oven for 15 minutes at a 325 degrees temperature. Once baked, let them rest for 5 minutes and blend them until they have the desired consistency, around 5 minutes. Place the mixture in a glass container and to the fridge.


Half of their content is healthy fats that help reduce the bad cholesterol levels and increase the good cholesterol levels. They are called healthy fats, because they are unsaturated (mono and polyunsaturated), oleic and linoleic fatty acids, such as omega -3. These fats control the triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the body, which makes them a cardio protector food. It is said that a handful of nuts on a regular basis reduces the cardiovascular risk.

On the other hand, they are high in antioxidants (vitamins E, and C) which are very important to fight against free radicals, substances that are responsible for some degenerative illnesses and of aging.

Also, they are high in minerals such as: phosphate, potassium, calcium, iron, and trace elements such as: zinc and selenium.
As you see, nuts are excellent to include in our every day diet and our shopping lists because its benefits and properties will also help us lose weight.

Breakfast: Flattening Juice

Start your morning with this belly flattening juice! It's my favorite!
1 cucumber
3 celery stalks
1 lemon
1 cup of coconut water

Blend all the ingredients and enjoy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning:

Drink THIS First Thing in the Morning:

This daily trick can help you detoxify, improve your digestion and boost your metabolism & energy levels

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of the best seller: The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging

You're bombarded with toxins in today's modern world... everywhere from the polluted air you breathe, the water you drink, the shampoos and other cosmetics that lather your body with chemicals, and of course, all of the chemical additives, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful compounds in the food that you eat.

All of these TOXINS can have harmful effects on your body, harming your metabolism and hormones, impairing your digestive system, and zapping your energy levels.

If I could tell you ONE thing that you could do each morning riaght as you wake up to help your body eliminate some of these toxins, improve your digestion, stimulate your metabolism, and BOOST your energy, would you do it?

Of course you would... and it takes less than 1 minute!
Here's the trick...
Immediately upon waking each day, squeeze about 1/2 to 1 full lemon (depending on size of the lemon) into an 8 oz glass of warm or room temperature purified water.  This is gentler on your body first thing in the morning compared to ice cold water.  I've found that slicing the lemon into quarters before squeezing by hand is easier than squeezing halves.
Drink this at least 10 minutes before eating any food for the day.
Make sure to use fresh organic lemons to make this drink, and not bottled lemon juice.  You want to use organic lemons to avoid the pesticides that can accumulate.

3 Major benefits of this morning drink to your body, health, and energy:

According to a leading health publication,

"The health promoting benefits of lemons are powerful. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser.  Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection.

Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood.  Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel. And the American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements."

Benefits that you can enjoy:
1. Improves your digestion:
Lemon juice helps your body improve digestion and stimulates bile production. Lemon juice can even be an aid for heartburn and indigestion.

2. Boosts your energy for the day:
Even just the scent of lemon juice has been shown to improve your mood and energy levels, and reduce anxiety.  Plus the detoxifying effect and alkalizing effect of fresh organic lemon juice can improve your energy through the removal of toxins from your body.

3. Helps you to lose fat:
Since lemon juice helps to improve your digestive system, aids in removal of toxins, and increases your energy levels, this all combines together to help you to lose body fat as well through improving your hormonal balance... Yet another reason to add warm lemon water to your daily morning routine!

Source from:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Stay Healthy in a Chaotic World

i love this :~

How to Stay Healthy in a Chaotic World

There are many toxins, terrible foods, and more in the world that can play havoc with the mind, body, and spirit.
Here are some simple ways to stay healthy during chaotic times… no matter what’s happening in the world!
Time to Get Up – No matter what’s happening have a regular routine… in India the great healers have talked about our circadian rhythms for years. Get up at 6AM and to go to bed by 10 PM. The mind hates routine… but the body loves routine.
Rituals – Meditation, yoga, Qigong and many other forms of ritual rights help us stay grounded and allow us to be at peace. Meditation calms the mind, and it’s so powerful that it can switch off bad genes for disease, and switch on good genes and create health. Meditate for at least 30 minutes in the morning, and 30 minutes in the evening and it will do your mind/body good.
Exercise – The mind may not like exercise, but the body loves exercise. You don’t have to do anything elaborate – walking and swimming are great. Walking or swimming 5 miles a day will keep you fit!
What to Eat – Eat lots of organic fresh fruits and veggies and some grains, but stay away from wheat, spelt, and barley they have inflammatory qualities that cause problems.
Eat Simply – Eat because you need substance, not because you have anxiety or emotions playing havoc. Prepare simple foods with simple preparation… and pay homage to God every time you eat… it creates gratitude and gratitude does the body good.

By Dr. Paul Haider

Friday, July 19, 2013

The One Thing Successful People Never Do

Success comes in all shapes and colours. You can be successful in your job and career but you can equally be successful in your marriage, at sports or a hobby. Whatever success you are after there is one thing all radically successful people have in common: Their ferocious drive and hunger for success makes them never give up.
Successful people (or the people talking or writing about them) often paint a picture of the perfect ascent to success. In fact, some of the most successful people in business, entertainment and sport have failed. Many have failed numerous times but they have never given up. Successful people are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on trying.
I have collected some examples that should be an inspiration to anyone who aspires to be successful. They show that if you want to succeed you should expect failure along the way. I actually believe that failure can spur you on and make you try even harder. You could argue that every experience of failure increases the hunger for success. The truly successful won't be beaten, they take responsibility for failure, learn from it and start all over from a stronger position.
Let's look at some examples, including some of my fellow LinkedIn influencers:
Henry Ford - the pioneer of modern business entrepreneurs and the founder of the Ford Motor Company failed a number of times on his route to success. His first venture to build a motor car got dissolved a year and a half after it was started because the stockholders lost confidence in Henry Ford. Ford was able to gather enough capital to start again but a year later pressure from the financiers forced him out of the company again. Despite the fact that the entire motor industry had lost faith in him he managed to find another investor to start the Ford Motor Company - and the rest is history.
Walt Disney - one of the greatest business leaders who created the global Disney empire of film studios, theme parks and consumer products didn't start off successful. Before the great success came a number of failures. Believe it or not, Walt was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough! In 1922 he started his first company called Laugh-O-Gram. The Kansas based business would produce cartoons and short advertising films. In 1923, the business went bankrupt. Walt didn't give up, he packed up, went to Hollywood and started The Walt Disney Company.
Richard Branson - He is undoubtedly a successful entrepreneur with many successful ventures to his name including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Music and Virgin Active. However, when he was 16 he dropped out of school to start a student magazine that didn't do as well as he hoped. He then set up a mail-order record business which did so well that he opened his own record shop called Virgin. Along the way to success came many other failed ventures including Virgin Cola, Virgin Vodka, Virgin Clothes, Virgin Vie, Virgin cards, etc.
Oprah Winfrey - who ranks No 1 in the Forbes celebrity list and is recognised as the queen of entertainment based on an amazing career as iconic talk show host, media proprietor, actress and producer. In her earlier career she had numerous set-backs, which included getting fired from her job as a reporter because she was 'unfit for television', getting fired as co-anchor for the 6 O'clock weekday news on WJZ-TV and being demoted to morning TV.
J.K. Rowling - who wrote the Harry Potter books selling over 400 million copies and making it one of the most successful and lucrative book and film series ever. However, like so many writers she received endless rejections from publishers. Many rejected her manuscript outright for reasons like 'it was far too long for a children's book' or because 'children books never make any money'. J.K. Rowling's story is even more inspiring because when she started she was a divorced single mum on welfare.
Bill Gates -co-founder and chairman of Microsoft dropped out of Harvard and set up a business called Traf-O-Data. The partnership between him, Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert was based on a good idea (to read data from roadway traffic counters and create automated reports on traffic flows) but a flawed business model that left the company with few customers. The company ran up losses between 1974 and 1980 before it was closed. However, Bill Gates and Paul Allen took what they learned and avoided those mistakes whey they created the Microsoft empire.
History is littered with many more similar examples:
  • Milton Hershey failed in his first two attempts to set up a confectionary business.
  • H.J. Heinz set up a company that produced horseradish, which went bankrupt shortly after.
  • Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, the company he founded. Only to return a few years later to turn it into one of the most successful companies ever.
So, the one thing successful people never do is: Give up! I hope that this is inspiration and motivation for everyone who aspires to be successful in whatever way they chose. Do you agree or disagree with me? Are there other things you would add to the list of things successful people never do? Please share your thoughts...

Source frm:

Posted by:Bernard Marr